Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tv Deals Works But With Some Nuisances ROH Trying To Work Out A TV Deal With Versus...?

ROH trying to work out a TV deal with Versus...? - tv deals works but with some nuisances

What would be able to see ROH on a regular basis?

Do you think that overtaking TNA?


J3R1CH0 said...

Will Beat ROH TNA in the ratings ....

Jushin Thunder said...

Surely it would be great to ROH on a regular basis rather than on the DVD and the promotion shows.The carpet based pure style of the house "technology to the fight, which combines high-flying maneuvers worth seeing exposure to a higher level.

But if the contract is received with Mr. Roh may Versus, I do not beat TNA in ratings.I core audience thinks Spike is larger than Versus and have wider coverage and therefore the note setup Easy covered.TNA TV, "where it should provides the brightness of the characters, stories, advice and innovative play types.TNA ACE has to cover a major (pulls Impact) and its focus on entertainment, the winners score, at least for the moment.

RaiderRJ said...

Yes, I think Roh. I leave the why ...

1) The 6-sided ring is shit.
2) angle allows the cornerstone, though critically wounded.
3) Nash is a competitor for the world title?
Angle Man 4) The Pac-team all life sucked out of TNA.
5) Face / Heel changes come so fast that I can not keep an eye on.

Undertak... said...

I hope ROH TNA beats so can go to all the talent on WWE TNA ROH WWE stars by beating and comes back and now you have the talent to adapt to the ECJ for a program of 2 hours and we can reduce the ATTITUDE ERA! !

Killy - This Is My Last Serenade said...

Great, not only tried by the Ring of Honor to reach an agreement, but Versus is one of the best TV channel. And I think it will break at the TNA in the evaluations.

Cole said...

It would be great, but TNA will not win because Spike and Versus, the cable digital cable. They have seen no digital cable.

Fallen D32 said...

I think it is because

Fallen D32 said...

I think it is because

tomholdr... said...

ROH TNA dominate in the ratings.

Steve said...

It would be great.

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